Los 2775
Constantine I, 307/310-337. Follis (Bronze, 18 mm, 3.46 g, 12 h), Rome, 316-317. IMP CONSTANTINVS P F AVG Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Constantine I to right, seen from behind. Rev. SOLI IN-VI-CTO COMITI / R T Sol, nude but for chlamys, standing front, head to left, raising his right hand in salute and holding globe in his left; to left at his feet, bound captive seated left, head turned back, wearing Phrygian cap. RIC 51 var. (differing reverse type and illegible officina). Very rare and with a lovely even brown patina. Minor areas of flatness, otherwise, about extremely fine.

From the collection of Dr. L. Ramskold, ex W. C. Phillips FPL 273, December 2001, 330.

RIC records a single example, from an unknown officina, with Constantine seen from behind, but with the captive looking straight ahead. This coin confirms the officina as T.
50 CHF
190 CHF
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